Calling start_active_span from within asyncio co-routine
bj00rn opened this issue · 6 comments
Requirement - what kind of business use case are you trying to solve?
New to opentracing. No specific requirement, just a question about using client within asyncio
Problem - what in Jaeger blocks you from solving the requirement?
Experiencing erratic behaviour when calling start_active_span from within a asyncio
Intermittent problems with Spans not being reported
Proposal - what do you suggest to solve the problem or improve the existing situation?
Any open questions to address
hi, @bj00rn
opentracing provide a scopemanager called AsyncioScopeManager can handle it.
when you using it in a thread that does not have event loop it will fallback to ThreadLocalScopeManger,and when it will store current scope in current task ‘ACTIVE__ATTR' variable when there is a event loop in this thread.
I ran into the same problem trying to instrument aiohttp.
import logging
from types import SimpleNamespace
import aiohttp
from aiohttp import ClientSession, web
from aiohttp.web_exceptions import HTTPException
import opentracing
from jaeger_client import Config
from opentracing.ext import tags
from opentracing.scope_managers.asyncio import AsyncioScopeManager
# Configure tracing client
config = Config(
"sampler": {"type": "const", "param": 1},
"local_agent": {"reporting_host": "localhost", "reporting_port": "6831"},
tracing_client = config.initialize_tracer()
# define middleware for aiohttp server to use
def opentracing_middleware_factory(app, opentracing_client):
async def opentracing_middleware(app, handler):
async def tracing(request):
carrier = {}
for key, value in request.headers.items():
carrier[key] = value
parent_span = opentracing_client.extract(
format=Format.HTTP_HEADERS, carrier=carrier
except Exception as exception:
parent_span = None
with opentracing_client.start_span(
"server_request", child_of=parent_span
) as active_span:
response = None
response = await handler(request)
except HTTPException as exception:
# Non 2XX responses are raised as HTTPExceptions
response = exception
active_span.set_tag(tags.HTTP_STATUS_CODE, response.status)
except Exception as exception:
# Store exception information including the stacktrace to the segment
response = None
active_span.set_tag(tags.HTTP_STATUS_CODE, 500)
if response is not None:
active_span.set_tag(tags.HTTP_STATUS_CODE, response.status)
return response
return tracing
return opentracing_middleware
# aiohttp client tracing config.
def aiohttp_trace_config(tracing_client):
async def on_request_start(session, context, params):
tracing_client = opentracing.tracer
parent_span = tracing_client.active_span
child_span = tracing_client.start_span("client_span", child_of=parent_span)
child_span.set_tag(tags.SPAN_KIND, tags.SPAN_KIND_RPC_CLIENT)
child_span.set_tag(tags.HTTP_URL, str(params.url))
child_span.set_tag(tags.HTTP_METHOD, params.method)
async def on_request_end(session, context, params):
tracing_client = opentracing.tracer
# Active span is None so the rest of this code doesn't work
active_span = tracing_client.active_span
active_span.set_tag(tags.HTTP_STATUS_CODE, context.status)
def _trace_config_ctx_factory(trace_request_ctx):
return SimpleNamespace(name=None, tracing_client=tracing_client)
trace_config = aiohttp.TraceConfig(
return trace_config
async def fetch(session):
async with session.get("") as resp:
data = await resp.json()
return data
async def handler(request):
response = None
async with ClientSession(
) as session:
response = await fetch(session)
return web.json_response(response)
def init():
app = web.Application()
app.middlewares.append(opentracing_middleware_factory(app, tracing_client))
app.router.add_get("/", handler)
return app
I'm seeing the same behaviour, I'm not sure if I am doing something wrong or there is an issue in with the context manager.
It looks like the span is okay in the server middleware, but the client trace config isn't able to access the active span.
@bj00rn have you any other examples of this ?
Hi @karlodwyer! In on_request_start
method you create new span with start_span
, but it's not active in this or children coroutines. My recommendation: 1) try start_active_span
instead start_span
or 2) add span to aiohttp context explicitly and then pop this span in on_request_end
Also I assume that you should use start_active_span
for your server middleware, else you will faced with similar problem. handler
coroutine doesn't know about parent span now.
Hi @condorcet, I tried that and I have a similar problem,
def aiohttp_trace_config(tracing_client):
async def on_request_start(session, context, params):
tracing_client = opentracing.tracer
parent_span = tracing_client.active_span
child_span = tracing_client.start_active_span(
operation_name="client_span", child_of=parent_span, ignore_active_span=True
child_span.set_tag(tags.SPAN_KIND, tags.SPAN_KIND_RPC_CLIENT)
child_span.set_tag(tags.HTTP_URL, str(params.url))
child_span.set_tag(tags.HTTP_METHOD, params.method)
context.request_span = child_span
throws an exception:
AttributeError: '_AsyncioScope' object has no attribute 'set_tag'
Any ideas or further guidance would be appreciated.
@karlodwyer start_active_span returns instance of scope, not span. You should use span
attribute of the scope.