
Quizlet starting when code run

Closed this issue · 2 comments

i solved it but i get undesireable times this is the edited code

document.getElementsByClassName("UIButton UIButton--hero")[0].onclick();
setTimeout(function(){for(var F = setTimeout(";"), i = 0; i < F; i++) clearTimeout(i)}, 5100); //Change 5100

//changed click to on click so it dont start it but i get undesireable times. pls help

Ummm... onclick() is used to set the javascript function that occurs when a user clicks on an element, it doesn't do anything else. I used the click() function so that the code would automatically click the start button. As I mentioned in the readme, you can get a faster time by changing the millisecond value as the second parameter of the setTimeout function. For example, here is a code that would get your time down to 1 second:

document.getElementsByClassName("UIButton UIButton--hero")[0].click(); setTimeout(function(){for(var F = setTimeout(";"), i = 0; i < F; i++) clearTimeout(i)}, 1100);

As you can see, I changed the number 5100 to 1100. Keep in mind that you can't go lower than 500, or 0.5 seconds.

I hope I answered your question,
Jaeheon Shim

thanks i realized that it works in micromatch, i tried it in normal match.