
'num_repeats' not defined during skill discovery

SiyuanLee opened this issue · 1 comments


Thanks for publishing the code. In the skill discovery training stage, there is a bug of missing 'num_repeats' in Line 88 of ''garagei/envs/child_policy_env.py", which should have been defined in Line 190 of "tests/main.py".

I search the repo, and find that 'num_repeats' has a default value of 1. Is that a suitable value for skill discovery? Which variable does it correspond to in the paper?

Looking forward to your reply! Thanks!

Thank you for showing an interest in our work!

num_repeats is an unused hyperparameter (it can be set to 1), which we didn't remove during the code clean-up process.

Thanks for reporting the issue.
We've updated our code accordingly, and it should be fixed now.