
Design Doc Review: MVP List

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MVP List

  • Should have 7 MVPs.
    • 3 of those are User Auth, Heroku, and Production README.
    • The other 4 are from the MVP List or they have clarified them with you
  • Contains a description sentence of the app
  • Includes two to three detailed bullets on functionality and presentation of feature
  • At least one CRUD feature, which states what CRUD operations are planned (creation, reading, updating, deletion)
  • Estimates how long it will take the code each MVP, and planned dates of work
  • Correctly formatted
    • MVPs are listed in an ordered list
    • Each MVP is broken down into bullet points


  • Timing
    • Add dates that you plan to work on each feature: should be 12 days total from 11/16 - 11/27.
    • Hosting on Heroku is only half a day: you should be up on Heroku by 6pm 11/16. You'll actually spend that afternoon starting your User accounts feature, so that gives 2.5 days for User auth. That is the typical amount of time to spend on it, including almost a day of styling and error rendering
    • Give yourself at least 3 days to work on stocks (11/19 - 11/21); you'll need ample time to work out how to fetch the info you need from the stock API, and how to render it using the charting library.
  • User accounts: add demo login
  • Stocks
    • Stock transactions are not part of this feature. This feature is focused on presenting the stock details (a chart with different timeframe views that you can toggle), company name and info. That alone is a sizeable feature that takes a lot of time and work. Move stock transactions to the Dashboard and portfolio
    • Describe the graphs that you plan to render; need to include more detail on what this feature will look like. For example, what interactive elements will you include on the page?
    • Save newsfeed for a bonus
  • Search: Elaborate; what can users search by? By ticker symbol or company name? By both?
  • Watchlists: Describe which pieces of CRUD functionality you'll include here. Users can pin stocks to their watchlist, which is creating a resource in the database (i.e., creating a WatchlistItem). Can they also remove stocks from their watchlists (i.e., destroy those WatchlistItems)?
  • Dashboard and Portfolio: This needs a more detailed description of CRUD functionality as well. This should include actually buying and selling stocks, and displaying the user's portfolio. What information will you present about the portfolio, how will you display its value?