
Design Doc Review: Backend & Frontend Routes, Components

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Backend Routes

  • Contains the following sections: HTML, API Endpoints(Backend)
  • Each route has a description
  • API Endpoint routes contains wildcard variables written in snake_case
  • Routes does not contain superfluous routes
  • Have API routes that will allow the front end to get all info it needs and does not have unneeded routes:
    • probably doesn't need a GET likes api endpoint because that info comes through the post show


  • Add your HTML route (the root route that will fetch your single html page)
  • Designate any wildcards in your routes with a colon.
  • Transaction routes: You do not need :user_id wildcard in these routes; instead, get the user_id from the current_user's id in the controller.
  • Watchlist routes:
    • When fetching the currently logged in user's watchlist, you do NOT need a :user_id wildcard in the route (for a similar reason as described for the transaction routes above)
    • Similarly, you should not have a :user_id wildard in your POST or DELETE routes. Instead, you need a :stock_id wildcard.
      • For your POST route, the proper way to generate the wildcard is through a nested route. Remember that the "child" resource (the one that "belongs to" the other) should be nested under the "parent" resource. So for this one, the path should be /api/stocks/:stock_id/watchlists
      • Your DELETE route does not need to be nested, so the path for this would just be /api/watchlists/:id (where the :id represents the watchlist item's id)
  • Consider changing your :stock_id wildcards to :ticker_symbol (depending on what you decide to do with the related feedback on your schema)

Frontend Routes

  • Frontend routes contains wildcard variables written in camelCase
  • Correctly formatted
    • Routes are displayed with inline coding text (backticks)


  • The root route (/), when a user is logged in, should also render the a graph, not just the Portfolio, Watchlist, and Search components.
  • Note that at the /stocks/:stockId, url, the sticky bar with the Portfolio and Watchlist components should also be visible (in addition to the StockShow)
  • I don't see a frontend route on Robinhood that matches your /users/:userId. I do see that the user's account info is rendered at /account; is that what you meant?