
Issue with 'disable-session-states' with amp-accordion

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I'm working on this gatsby template https://github.com/kalwalt/gatsby-starter-i18n-bulma in the header of the page i implemented an amp-accordion and i have set the disable-session-states:

<amp-accordion class="accordion-menu" disable-session-states>


but when gatsby build the page attach a true value

<amp-accordion class="accordion-menu" disable-session-states="true">

and i get this error on the Amp validator:

The attribute 'disable-session-states' in tag 'amp-accordion' is set to the invalid value 'true'

if you want, check on this page: https://amp-feature--gatsby-starter-i18n-bulma.netlify.com/it/amp/

my code repo with amp code: kalwalt/gatsby-starter-i18n-bulma#110

I solved this issue making this change inside the amp-accordion tag:

+ <amp-accordion class="accordion-menu" disable-session-states="">
- <amp-accordion class="accordion-menu" disable-session-states>

Hope that it can help someone else.