futures api
anwarrassool opened this issue · 1 comments
when interacting with the futures api
When using the futures api
return binance.futuresAccount((error, data) => {
if (error) return error;
this.#accountinfo = data;
if (this.#accountinfo) return this.#accountinfo;
else return {};
i get the following error
"msg": "Mandatory parameter 'timestamp' was not sent, was empty/null, or malformed."
calling useServerTime
binance.useServerTime() returns 404
looking at your code
if ( Binance.options.useServerTime ) {
publicRequest( base + 'v3/time', {}, function ( error, response ) {
Binance.info.timeOffset = response.serverTime - new Date().getTime();
//Binance.options.log("server time set: ", response.serverTime, Binance.info.timeOffset);
if ( callback ) callback();
} );
} else if ( callback ) callback();
when setting the url in the options for futures the useServerTime request ends up being https://fapi.binance.com/fapi/v3/time which doesnt exist and instead it should be it should be https://fapi.binance.com/fapi/v1/time
AND using binance.futuresTime() has no effect in trying to resolve the error
issue can be closed ..
i figure out how to use it
binance.setOption("callback", await binance.futuresTime());
return binance.futuresPositionRisk((error, data) => {
if (error) return error;
this.#positions = data;
if (this.#positions) return this.#positions;
else return {};
for anyone that had the same problem sepcif the server time via callback.
you should update your documentation to show this, i spent 5 hours trying to figure this out by diggin in your code :)