
Open sourcing my ideas just because I'm not gonna make any of these. (Well, I hope not)


Here are some ideas that really, really wanna make but I don't have the time or resources, or patience to make.

Feel free to send a pull request if you want to add more stuff or any comments.

I decided to open source some of my ideas, wether they are stupid or not, just because I really want to see them outside even if I'm not the one to make it.

Table of Contents


Satire/Hoax Flagger Browser Extension

This is a browser extension that visually shows on Facebook, Twitter or other social media websites that the shared link is from a untrusted website. Of course the links will be hardcoded.

I wanted to make this to prevent the spread of misinformation or outdated information.


I want a website where it just asks you your age, and it displays prolific, famous people on where they are at that point.

"How old are you?"


"Allan Rickman started acting at age 28."

It puts our lives into perspective and it kinda shows that it's not too late to start something (or at least I hope it does.).

I'm not really sure where to fetch all those kinds of information.


Synchronized Video Players

Now this one I thought of while I was working overseas. My friends and I would usually go on a Hangouts/Skype call and count to 3 and play our videos at the same time.

I want either a, video player that's synced, or to be much more feasible, just run a script (push a button for GUI peeps) where it just detects the play or pause button, sends the action to a server and sends the action to all computers connected to that node.

Maybe we can just run a small node listener waiting for the data from the server and runs an applescript to play, pause, or change the time, for o mplayerx, quicktime, or vlc.


I made a small PHP server and Electron app as proof of concept for this to work. Only supports MPlayerX for now.


Mobile SOS

I want an app where you can register volume button pattern/clicks and make your phone do certain things.

For example:

  • up-up-down-down: Turn on cellular, Message [mom], [dad] "[location] I'm worried this road I'm taking."
  • up-down-up-down: Turn on cellular, Message [mom], [dad], [person-a], "[location] please send help"

I'm pretty sure this can't be done with IOS devices (unless jailbroken).

As much as I want to build this, I don't have the patience to go back to developing mobile applications.

Waze for Commuters

Bus stops are pretty hectic here in the Philippines, I want an app that just plots out the bus stops and shows a red, yellow, or green status on those stops so I can estimate if I should stay in the confines of my office or home so I can wait till it turns green.

I hate it when I have to go to the station, see that there's 50 people waiting for the bus and go back to a coffeeshop or something.

Again, it's a mobile app, so I'm not qualified to make it and I hate interacting with maps. Although, I'd love to work on the backend of this one.

NFC Cabbie Information

For security purposes, I really want all cabs to contain the driver's information.

So when a passenger rides the cab, they tap their phone on the sticker (or something like that) then it sends the information online, or to selected people.

The boundary, the plate number, and the driver's info.

Although, there are limitations since here in the Philippines, drivers tend to change cabs, so I'm not really sure how that'll work.


I love ideas working with hardware, although, here, it's pretty damn expensive when we try to experiment with them so I end up scrapping a lot of ideas.

Wifi Enabled Blood Pressure Machine

I broke an Onrom machine because of experimenting with this.

My family has this blood pressure machine that we used a lot before.

I want a blood pressure machine with an open API where you can do anything with the displayed data.

I wanted to just graph the data so you can just send notifications or alerts to family members or something of the matter.

I don't think it'll really count on the internet of shit kind of things since it's just an add on I guess.

Modular Earphones

Earphones that each part can be replaced. If you break the left ear, just but and snap that one. Break the wire, every other part still works. The 3.5mm jack starts screwing up, just hook another one in.

I hate colleting so many old parts and soldering a frankenphone.