
[Bug Report] 0.4.0 bot joins and disconnects right after

ka1ko opened this issue ยท 22 comments

Bug Description

Hasnt been working for few weeks now. Soundcloud works fine

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Play a youtube song

Expected Result

Bot to stay in the channel and play some music

Debug Output

System Properties:
  java.version = 11.0.22
  java.vm.name = OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
  java.vm.specification.version = 11
  java.runtime.name = OpenJDK Runtime Environment
  java.runtime.version = 11.0.22+7
  java.specification.version = 11
  os.arch = amd64
  os.name = Windows 10

JMusicBot Information:
  Version = 0.4.0
  Owner = 377071650438381568
  Prefix = ++
  AltPrefix = null
  MaxSeconds = 0
  NPImages = false
  SongInStatus = true
  StayInChannel = false
  UseEval = false
  UpdateAlerts = true

Dependency Information:
  JDA Version = 4.4.1_353
  JDA-Utilities Version = 3.0.5
  Lavaplayer Version = 727959e9f621fc457b3a5adafcfffb55fdeaa538-SNAPSHOT

Runtime Information:
  Total Memory = 512
  Used Memory = 79

Discord Information:
  ID = 1152300963873423400
  Guilds = 1
  Users = 2

Additional Info

No response


I have the same issue

Same issue here

Same issue

Update: I was able to fix the issue by going back to 0.3.9, something seems to have changed in 0.4.0 that breaks playback..

Same issue. My bot worked fine on 0.4.0 for at least a week but now it doesn't work. Changing back to 0.3.8 worked for me

same issue here. reverting from other version is working.

Having the same issue, though the bot does play a small handful of songs first before seemingly skipping through the rest and disconnecting. Reverting to the previous version does seem to work

so in discord they are saying the problem is with the lavaplayer.

System Properties:
  java.version = 22
  java.vm.name = Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
  java.vm.specification.version = 22
  java.runtime.name = Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
  java.runtime.version = 22+36-2370
  java.specification.version = 22
  os.arch = amd64
  os.name = Windows 11

JMusicBot Information:
  Version = 0.4.0
  Owner = 163452507450769419
  Prefix = !!
  AltPrefix = null
  MaxSeconds = 0
  NPImages = false
  SongInStatus = true
  StayInChannel = true
  UseEval = false
  UpdateAlerts = true

Dependency Information:
  JDA Version = 4.4.1_353
  JDA-Utilities Version = 3.0.5
  Lavaplayer Version = 727959e9f621fc457b3a5adafcfffb55fdeaa538-SNAPSHOT

Runtime Information:
  Total Memory = 48
  Used Memory = 28

Discord Information:
  ID = 1131635531000840292
  Guilds = 4
  Users = 2

adding my debug
and also confirming release 0.3.9 working without issue.

so in discord they are saying the problem is with the lavaplayer.

Any fix ? Or can we even do something about it ?

Can confirm, going back to 0.3.9 fixed it

Issue seems to be caused by lavaplayer during loading of a YouTube Video, there was probably a change on either end causing it to error out and disconnecting the bot. The issue seems to also be exclusive to YouTube, mpeg streams as well as other sources seem to work perfectly fine.

so in discord they are saying the problem is with the lavaplayer.

Any fix ? Or can we even do something about it ?

Your best bet right now is avoiding 0.4.0 and instead using 0.3.9 since its the last release that works fine.

Have same issue

Another occurence here. Same issue, same fix.

It's probably best to avoid 0.4.0 for now altogether.

I believe it's an issue on Youtube's end and the version of lavaplayer that is currently being used. It's my understanding that the method lavaplayer was using to access YouTube has broken because of a change on YouTube's end. Updating the lavaplayer dependency to the latest snapshot seems to have fixed the issue for me.

Same problem here, I get no logs about any problems. Bot says it's playing, and shows the correct name of the song, but just joins and then immediately leaves.

Downgrading to 0.3.9, I do not have this problem.

I believe it's an issue on Youtube's end and the version of lavaplayer that is currently being used. It's my understanding that the method lavaplayer was using to access YouTube has broken because of a change on YouTube's end. Updating the lavaplayer dependency to the latest snapshot seems to have fixed the issue for me.

That still doesn't explain why downgrading to 0.3.9 fixes the problem since that is also downgrading Lavaplayer

I believe it's an issue on Youtube's end and the version of lavaplayer that is currently being used. It's my understanding that the method lavaplayer was using to access YouTube has broken because of a change on YouTube's end. Updating the lavaplayer dependency to the latest snapshot seems to have fixed the issue for me.

That still doesn't explain why downgrading to 0.3.9 fixes the problem since that is also downgrading Lavaplayer

I believe 0.3.9 uses an older lavaplayer snapshot and 0.4.0 uses a newer lava player snapshot that might affected by the issue.

Using latest lavaplayer snapshot fixed it for me.

Same issue here, downgrading to 0.3.9 resolved issue.

Same issue here, downgrading to 0.3.9 resolved issue.

Same here as well.

For consolidation purposes, we're going to continue tracking this bug in #1537. My latest comment on that issue has a temporary solution for anyone who can't wait for 0.4.1 to release