
A Simple Peer-to-Peer communication protocol for CAN bus

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


A Simple Peer-to-Peer communication protocol for CAN bus

LICENSE AND LEGAL SUMMARY The PeerCAN protocol is release under a Creative Commons CC0 license. PeerCAN and the PeerCAN logo are trademarks of Revely Microsystems LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


PeerCAN is a simple, peer-to-peer network protocol for CAN bus. At a fundamental level, all PeerCAN data transactions occur using a system-wide set of data registers. The PeerCAN network is presented as a memory space containing 65535 addressable byte registers. Application software determines the format of the registers, allowing both simple and complex data exchanges depending on the system’s requirements. All PeerCAN operations are register-centric, rather than node-centric so therefore there is no need to uniquely address each node in the system.

The specification is currently in draft form. Comments and input on PeerCAN are most welcome!


Thanks to the CC0 license, there are no IP restrictions with implementing the PeerCAN protocol in software on any platform or under any license.


Revely Microsystems is developing hardware modules for PeerCAN. Look for PeerCAN on Kickstarter.

Jon Guy May 8, 2014