CfdOF not working with openfoam11
kolergy opened this issue · 1 comments
Tried to install DfdOF on Freecad 0.21.1
I had previously installed openfoam11 which includes paraview 510
gmsh 4.8.4 was also installed
when performing the dependancy check I have this error;
OpenFOAM directory: /opt/openfoam11
14:27:36 Running echo $WM_PROJECT_VERSION
14:27:36 Executing: echo $WM_PROJECT_VERSION in None
14:27:36 11
14:27:36 Traceback (most recent call last):
14:27:36 File "/home/me/.local/share/FreeCAD/Mod/CfdOF/./CfdOF/", line 273, in runDependencyChecker
14:27:36 CfdTools.checkCfdDependencies(lambda msg: (print(msg), self.consoleMessage(msg)))
14:27:36 File "/home/me/.local/share/FreeCAD/Mod/CfdOF/./CfdOF/", line 1118, in checkCfdDependencies
14:27:36 msgFn("OpenFOAM version " + str(foam_ver) + " is not yet supported:\n" +
14:27:36 TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str
The issue with the error message should be fixed (I hope) but note that openfoam 11 is not yet supported unfortunately.