
This repository contains extracted common angular modules form openmrs-module-bahmniapps.


git clone
cd bahmni-commons-ng
npm install
npm run bundle

Above steps will generate a dist folder with a output js file for each module.

Project Structure

Below is the structure of project:

    |-- module-1
        |-- init.js
        |-- views
        |-- directives
        |-- filters
        |-- components
        |-- services
    |-- module-2
        |-- init.js
    |-- module-n
        |-- init.js
    |-- module-1
    |-- module-2
    |-- module-n
|-- dist
|-- lib
|-- package.json
|-- webpack.config.json
|-- karma.config.js
  • All modules are present in src folder in the root of the project.
  • By convention, every module should have an init.js file. This would be mentioned in the entry for the webpack.config.js.
  • The key for the entry will be used to generate the bundled file.
  • The generated bundles will not have any dependencies included. These dependencies needs to be provided when using the bundles.

Running tests

  • The unit are run using Karma.
  • TO run the tests run:
    npm run test

Expose templates from a module

Right now there are two ways the templates are exposed from module.

  • We can expose the template as part of a directive. E.g. bahmni-patient-commons/directives/patientSummary.js defines a directive patientSummary which exposes patientSummary.html template.
  • The templates can be provided in the $templateCache. The applications using the bundles should look for these templates from $templateCache using the key. The key used to put the template must be documented. E.g. ui-helper/init.js exposes common templates which are used across components.

Template Cache exposed by modules

Module Key in TemplateCache Template Path
ui-helper ui-helper-error src/bahmni-uihelper-commons/error.html
ui-helper ui-helper-header src/bahmni-uihelper-commons/header.html
ui-helper ui-helper-messages src/bahmni-uihelper-commons/messages.html
ui-helper ui-helper-save-confirmation src/bahmni-uihelper-commons/views/saveConfirmation.html

Test framework setup

The test are being run against the generated bundles. Since these bundles need all the dependencies to be present and loaded before the bundle, the dependencies are included in files section of karma-config in karma.config.js.

  • Every folder with pattern test/bahmni-<modulename>-commons contains tests for their source folders.
  • The test/lib folder will contain any custom library required by bundles. As of now, It contains a manually edited version jquery.cookie@1.4.1. The line 12 is changed to define(['jquery/jquery'], factory); instead of define(['jquery'], factory); because jquery 1.x is not fully compatible with webpack. Reference link
  • The test/support folder will contain helper files for tests.
  • The init-constants.js file contains specific constants needed by the bundles like openmrs-base-url.


  • While importing a new module, if we face a problem of [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: followed by something like eProvider <- e, most likely the cause is not using inline array annotation for dependency injection. See Inline Array Annotation and Implicit Annotation sections of When we use the implicit DI, the variables gets minified while bundling and angular cannot inject these new minified variables. To fix this problem change the affected controller/service/filter/etc to use inline array annotation of DI.

    E.g: Below code will fail, when using as webpack production bundle

        controller: function ($scope, backlinkService) {

    Above can be written as

          controller: ['$scope', 'backlinkService', function ($scope, backlinkService) {