Code7 Responsive Accordion Module is a Joomla 1.6+ accordion module that uses jQuery to display articles in a responsive and, frankly, good looking module.

- Ability to load in jQuery with noconflict so that you're lovely mootools modules/components keep on truckin'.
- Displays articles from a selected category.
- Choose to limit the amount of articles.
- Order by recent first, ascending/descending by ID or randomly.

It's a simple module and we're not hiding that, it's lovely, it's to the point and it's simple to use.

Based on the awesome work at


v1.1 - 21/03/2012
- Added ability to turn on/off pop to top
- Reduced default heading text size
- Added option to choose heading font-size and box size.
- Added publishing order ascending/descending to ordering.

v1.2 - 21/03/2012
- Added CSS to make all elements have a max-width of 100%.
- Added word-wrap: break-word in case any elements are super long.

Version 1.2.1 - 21/03/2012
-- Removed default paragraph text size of 16px. Should pick up your default paragraph text size now.

Version 1.2.2 - 23/03/2012
-- Added ability to start with the first article open.

Version 1.3 - 19/04/2012
-- Added ability to select multiple categories
-- Added ability to show the category the article is from
-- Added ability to let you define the size of that

Version 1.3.1 - 03/05/2012
-- Added the ability to show read more links if you want

Version 1.3.2 - 23/05/2012
-- Cleaned up the URLs generated for read mores. Bit more friendly now.

Version 1.3.3 - 01/06/2012
-- Added alphabetical ordering options.