
Build issue with the default template & shadow-cljs

Closed this issue · 3 comments

[:app] Build completed. (113 files, 2 compiled, 2 warnings, 2.95s)

------ WARNING #1 - :undeclared-var --------------------------------------------
 Resource: clojure/tools/cli.cljc:126:17
 123 |          (recur options (into extra-args (vec (rest args))) nil)
 124 | 
 125 |          (and (opt? opt) (nil? spec))
 126 |          (throw (Exception. (str "'" opt "' is not a valid argument")))
 Use of undeclared Var clojure.tools.cli/Exception
 127 | 
 128 |          (and (opt? opt) (spec :flag))
 129 |          (recur ((spec :assoc-fn) options (spec :name) (flag-for opt))
 130 |                 extra-args

------ WARNING #2 - :undeclared-var --------------------------------------------
 Resource: clojure/tools/cli.cljc:228:25
 225 |   (when *assert*
 226 |     (let [unknown-keys (keys (apply dissoc map spec-keys))]
 227 |       (when (seq unknown-keys)
 228 |         (binding [*out* *err*]
 Use of undeclared Var clojure.tools.cli/*err*
 229 |           (println (str "Warning: The following options to parse-opts are unrecognized: "
 230 |                         (s/join ", " unknown-keys)))))))
 231 | 
 232 |   (select-keys map spec-keys))

I'm running npm -v 6.8.0 and node -v 11.10.0.

This is due to cli tools not fully supporting ClojureScript. However, the core parsing functionality still works in my testing.

If you would like to remove the warnings the best option would be to remove the org.clojure/tools.cli dependency and the code that depends on it. If you still want arg parsing you may be able to use one of the many npm offerings and call (js->clj parsed-js-obj :keywordize-keys true) to get a Clojure hash-map.

Let me know if I can help further. Thanks for reporting this.

That works great. Thank you!

That works great. Thank you!