
POC for running Kafka using SASL_PLAINTEXT security with kerberos

Primary LanguageShell

Kafka using SASL_PLAINTEXT with Kerberos

Getting Started

  1. Start the services using the start.sh script. This script will build and start the kerberos server, create users and keytabs. When the keytabs files are created, start another services (Zookeeper, Kafka Broker, Kafka UI, Schema-Registry and Rest-Proxy).
bash start.sh
  1. Services and Ports:

    • Zookeeper:
      • localhost:2181 or zookeeper:2181
    • Schema-registry:
    • Kafka-UI:
    • Kafka Broker:
      • With Kerberos
        • localhost:9093 or broker:9093
      • Without Kerberos
        • localhost:29092 or broker:29092
  2. To test if everything is working you can use this 2 ways:

using rest proxy script

  • Run the file test-using-rest-proxy.sh under the tests folder

produce and consume using this command-line inside of zookeeper container

  • Entering the container:
docker exec -it zookeeper bash
  • Produce some messages
kafka-console-producer --broker-list SASL_PLAINTEXT://broker.kafka-kerberos_default:9093 --topic test-sasl --producer.config /tmp/producer.properties
  • Consume all messages
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server SASL_PLAINTEXT://broker.kafka-kerberos_default:9093 --topic test-sasl --consumer.config /tmp/consumer.properties --from-beginning

Kerberos Users

There are 2 types of user that can be created, using keytab or password. At this project the users of broker and zookeeper are using keytabs to login and at the schema-registry and rest-proxy we are using user/password.

User with keytab

To create a new user with a keytab add a new line to the kerberos-users/users.csv file with this information


Sample Jaas conf file for Kafka Java Client

KafkaClient {
    com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required

User with password

To create a new user with a keytab add a new line to the kerberos-users/users.csv file with this information


To use any of Kafka java clients with username and password you need to import the lib/krb5loginmodule-wrapper-0.0.1.jar at your project and use this configuration at your jaas conf file

KafkaClient {
    br.com.jairsjunior.krb5loginmodule.Krb5AuthLoginModule required