
Test Go language here

Primary LanguageGo


Test Go language here Add... CONFLICT: MASTER SAY HI


Use this Project to practice & learn go language

also familiar with MD






  • Blockquotes I said that

dark is for stars.

  • Styling Text

Italic surround by *

Strong surround by **

  • code block use three ```(multiline) and `(in a line)
function test(){
  • create to table by | adn -
firstheader secod header
1 2
3 4
  • List with * - and optional [] [x]
  • 1
  • 2
  • @mentions, #refs, links,formatting and tags
  • incomplete item

with *

  • SHA: a5c3785ed8d6a35868bc169f07e40e889087fd2e
  • Another

with number 123

  1. ok
  2. three
  3. four
  • Links

create link by wrapping link text in [] and link in () Google

  • Emoji wrapping by :

✨ 🐫 💥 Emoji Cheat Sheet

  • Image Embedded by ![Image of Somthing](image link)

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