
Add Markup to Chapters

jakarmy opened this issue · 0 comments

Markup on Playgrounds makes code more readable as it makes it clear what sections are real code, and what sections are just comments. It gives a much more elegant styling to the whole document. Some chapters are still using traditional comment syntax.
// This is a comment or /* This is a comment block */

The current status of each chapter regarding markup is:

  • The Basics
  • Basic Operators
  • Strings and Characters
  • Collection Types
  • Control Flow
  • Functions
  • Closures
  • Enumerations
  • Classes & Structs
  • Properties
  • Methods
  • Subscripts
  • Inheritance
  • Initialization
  • Deinitialization
  • ARC
  • Optional Chaining
  • Error Handling
  • Type Casting
  • Nested Types
  • Extensions
  • Protocols
  • Generics
  • Access Control

In order to write markup to chapters, please make sure to:

  1. See other chapters with markup already in them as reference for writing markup in other chapters.
  2. Include basic elements in each chapter such as:
    Common Header
    Page Linkers
    [Previous](@previous) | [Next](@next)
    Paragraph Markers
    /*: This is a paragraph
    Other elements present in the Apple Markup Formatting Reference to add markup to the different chapters.
  3. Link to other pages when possible, using the [Page Name](@page) syntax.
  4. Follow the Apple Markup Formatting Reference to add markup to the different chapters.
  5. Please, all changes to a specific chapter should be included in a separate branch, with its name specifying the Chapter's name and number: Branch name: markup_chapter_2_basic_operators.

This issue will be updated as chapters begin using markup.