
Email signup seems to be broken or missing some setup

s4mur4i opened this issue · 2 comments


I deployed your website for testing, and when configuring and enabling email signup nothing happens.
I attached a screenshot of the request I see in developer tools
On netlify console I don't see any new requests comming in.
In app.js logs on netlify console I also see no lines.
Is there some change or setup needed that I missed?

Thank you

I've figured it out!.

You need to update your code here:

async processForm() { try { const sendgrid = await this.$axios.post( "YOURDOMAIN/.netlify/functions/app", this.emaildata ); console.log("Processed!"); this.sent = true; } catch (e) { console.log(e); }

Just add your domain to the string instead of /.netlify/functions/app.

Hi I've added a env variable called API_URL to netlify.toml that will be in the next release. I never really tested the lambdas locally, I always would publish it to Netlify. Thanks for figuring this out!