
Thoughts on future of PWA?

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Thoughts on future of PWA?

huh, I was planning to read and reply to this 😄

The balance between client vs server is tough to figure out. It tends to be about weighing up-front cost vs runtime cost. The script seems a little large to me (600kB gzipped), which seems to contribute to most of the long loading time. I'm not sure what's in that bundle, is it all necessary? It does run nicely once it's downloaded though.

I wanted to know your thoughts on how future will unfold for PWAs

Ohh, that's a big question! I'm not sure. I think the biggest thing holding us back right now is Safari on iOS. The wealthiest people tend to have iPhones, and those people are restricted to a browser developed by a company that doesn't seem to believe in apps in the browser, and wants to keep the web for documents only.