
Possible iOS/Cocoa Support in the Future?

markmals opened this issue · 3 comments

Ice looks like an amazing complimentary package manager to the SPM, but it would be even better if developers could use it to build iOS projects as well. Still using SPM as the back-end/infrastructure for Ice, would it be possible to build SPM packages as iOS frameworks and integrate them into an existing app project?

Currently, SPM doesn't support iOS or Cocoa apps. Here's what I've been doing: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44994042/how-to-create-cocoa-gui-application-with-swiftpm/45138790#45138790

Hopefully, this will be added to SPM in the future

SPM doesn't natively support building products for iOS. But at the end of the day, a Swift package is just some Swift files that get passed to swiftc with build settings/flags. It is absolutely possible to pass custom build flags to swift package and have it spit out an iOS framework. It's just more work than is worth it for a regular workflow.

However, if there were a build tool that aimed to make doing complicated things fully supported by SPM easier and more accessible to everyone…

I believe that SPM can build .frameworks if you use the correct .product in your Package.swift file. I was saying that SPM doesn't support the integration with Cocoa apps. I think I misunderstood you