
Patching run.sh to avoid pulling errors does not seem to work anymore

amenk opened this issue · 2 comments

amenk commented

This line does not seem to work anymore:

awk '1;/function downloadRunFile/{c=6}c&&!--c{print "sed -i '\''s/docker-compose pull/docker-compose pull --ignore-pull-failures || true/g'\'' $SCRIPTS_DIR/run.sh"}' $BITWARDEN_BASE/bitwarden.sh > tmp_bw.sh && mv tmp_bw.sh $BITWARDEN_BASE/bitwarden.sh

run.sh looks like this now:

function dockerComposePull() {
    $dccmd pull

Can verify. This does not work anymore.

It appears bitwarden has changed the run script. BitBetter needs to be updated:

sed would be for $dccmd pull

h44z commented

can someone test if the following works:

awk '1;/function downloadRunFile/{c=6}c&&!--c{print "sed -i '\''s/dccmd pull/dccmd pull --ignore-pull-failures || true/g'\'' $SCRIPTS_DIR/run.sh"}' $BITWARDEN_BASE/bitwarden.sh > tmp_bw.sh && mv tmp_bw.sh $BITWARDEN_BASE/bitwarden.sh