
AutoIndent does not work

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Or at least seems so in the demo page

What browser are you using, and what page specifically? The example.html or the GitHub Pages site demo? I just pushed a fix for braces and others enclosed within quotes screwing up indentation levels

The page is http://jakiestfu.github.com/Behave.js/

I'm using Chrome Version 24.0.1312.56 m

Chrome Version 24.0.1312.56, working fine for me.

Give an example of what you're trying to have auto-indented

Trying this:


This is for coding, not general text editing. I will see about support for this. Indentation is determined by number of brackets/braces used.

This is a rather common use case when editing markdown bullet lists.

Again, this is behaviors for coding. If you are looking for markdown behaviors, you can see the repo here: https://github.com/jamiebicknell/Markdown-Helper

Thanks for link