
More parameters in getTaskDictionary

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Its possible to include a new parameter t on getTaskDictionary as below?

getTaskDictionary = function(task) {
  assertClass(task, classes = "Task")
  dict = list(
    task = task,
    p = getTaskNFeats(task),
    n.task = getTaskSize(task),
    type = getTaskType(task),
    n = getTaskSize(task)
  if (dict$type == "classif") {
    dict$k = length(getTaskClassLevels(task))
    dict$t = summary(getTaskTargets(task))

it will be useful for config the nu parameter of svm as below:

makeNumericParam(id = "nu", default = 0.2, lower = 0.01, upper = expression(2.0 * min(t) / n - 0.01))

ref: https://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/papers/nusvmtutorial.pdf page 17

Good idea. Done in a8f03d5

What do you think to add more parameters in getTaskDictionary ?

getTaskDictionary = function(task) {
  assertClass(task, classes = "Task")
  dict = list(
    task = task,
    p = getTaskNFeats(task),
    n.task = getTaskSize(task),
    type = getTaskType(task),
    n = getTaskSize(task),
    maxy = max(getTaskTargets(task)),
    miny = min(getTaskTargets(task))
  if (dict$type == "classif") {
    dict$k = length(getTaskClassLevels(task))
    dict$t = summary(getTaskTargets(task))

it will be useful for config the epsilon parameter of svm as below:

makeNumericParam(id = "epsilon", default = 0.001, lower = 0, upper = expression((maxy - miny) / 2))

ref: http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/155227/1/14.pdf

That gets very particular. You can always access the task itself as it's part of the dictionary. I have not looked into the link but I guess you could do upper = expression((max(getTaskTargets(task)) - min(getTaskTargets(task)))/2).