
Feature request: query formatting

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It would be nice to have query formatting button/hotkey
SQLyog, Sequel Pro can do that (also see http://www.dpriver.com/pp/sqlformat.htm)

P.S. also https://github.com/TaoK/PoorMansTSqlFormatter (http://poorsql.com/), http://sqlformat.darold.net/, many more. part of them are opensource

P.P.S. https://github.com/darold/pgFormatter

+1: Nice to have

Would very much appreciate such feature. I use Postico to debug queries generated by ORM, and a single button press to convert the huge one-liner into a structured query would be greatly appreciated.

My vote +1

sqlformat.org has an api that can be used if nothing else fits https://sqlformat.org/api/

For what it's worth I am using Alfred with Format SQL Workflow

gajus commented

For the record, https://sequelpro.com/ is using the API approach to format queries.

It is a bit annoying UX, though since every time you want to format the query they prompt a dialog asking to give permission to send the query to external web service. If this to become a feature in this way, there should be a toggle to remember the selection.

jakob commented

I really don't want to use a web API for formatting queries -- code is private data, and shouldn't be shared needlessly with 3rd parties. Also, performance would be unpredictable, and it would require a network connection.

But I just discovered pgFormatter , a Perl based SQL formatting tool for PostgreSQL. Maybe I can use that to format queries!

You can try pgFormatter here: http://sqlformat.darold.net

gajus commented

Yeah, pgFormatter is quite good. I am using it in my Node.js projects, via https://github.com/gajus/pg-formatter.

Would like to see this also. Options on the formatting would be nice (I prefer to work in lowercase, personally.)

Any update on this feature?

I'm using "Automator".
Select sql text and execute created Automator service.

Auto-format or hotkey would be awesome +1 from me




waiting for this feature!!

jakob commented

Hi! I just wanted to let you know that Postico 2 now has query formatting built in!

(We already added the feature a few weeks ago, but I forgot to update this thread. My apologies)

Our solution was to bundle pgFormatter with Postico, so we can format queries locally without sending anything to a web service.

You can trigger the new formatter with the shortcut ctrl-F. By default the current statement is formatted, but you can select more than one statement to format multiple statements at once.

Download the latest preview build of Postico 2 here: https://eggerapps.at/postico2/

Is there a way to disable (or change) ctrl-F to format a query in postico 2? This collides with ctrl-F to move forward one character

Edit: I worked around it by choosing a different key combination for the shortcut per https://eggerapps.at/postico/docs/v1.5.19/keyboard-shortcuts.html