
Reverse engineering Entity-Relationship diagram from database feature

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MySQL Workbench can reverse engineer an ER diagram from a table. I wish we had a similar feature in Postico.

I know this is a big feature to wish for and might not fall under the scope of Postico. I will be happy if anybody can point me to a decent tool that does ER digram from database. Please suggest something that you have experience with.

JetBrains DataGrip have excellent database structure visualization tool. But software based on Java technologies so slowly works on Mac (and not only on Macs :) ).

I still prefer postico for general use, but DBeaver has ERD generation.


  1. https://dbeaver.io
  2. connect db
  3. bottom left of GUI, right click on ER Diagrams
  4. "create new ER diagram"
  5. name your ERD
  6. drill down to the tables of the db you want to diagram