
Action to take due to impending CRAN archival of R package isoband

Closed this issue · 1 comments

We are monitoring the development of a potential archival of the package isoband on CRAN.

The dependencies between the varycoef and isoband are as follows:

pak::pkg_deps_explain("varycoef", "isoband")
varycoef -> mlr -> ggplot2 -> isoband                                       
varycoef -> mlrMBO -> mlr -> ggplot2 -> isoband
varycoef -> mlrMBO -> smoof -> ggplot2 -> isoband
varycoef -> mlrMBO -> smoof -> plotly -> ggplot2 -> isoband
varycoef -> smoof -> ggplot2 -> isoband
varycoef -> smoof -> plotly -> ggplot2 -> isoband

Therefore, only the model-based optimization in the selection procedure (PMLE) is affected.

As of right now, the CRAN checks still give an error, link. The maintainers are working on it, both of isoband and ggplot2, see below:

    This should now be fixed on github. Again, if somebody could confirm that things now work for LLVM clang 15.0.0 that would be great.

Originally posted by @clauswilke in r-lib/isoband#33 (comment)

Updated isoband is on CRAN now.