
đź’ˇ A curated list of resources for engineering managers.

MIT LicenseMIT

Awesome Engineering Manager

The aim of this repository is to provide a curated list of resources for, beginner as well as seasoned, software engineering managers. The repository will contain links to all interesting resources within categories that are part of the job of an engineering manager - The Team, The Technology, The Product & The Process. Contributions and feedback are welcomed!

Table of Contents

The Team

Engineering Manager Role

Team Structure

Organizational Structure


People Development

  • Software Engineering and IKIGAI - Ikigai is a well-known japanese concept of finding the sweet spot of what you are good at, what you love, what the world needs and what can you get paid for; this article aims specifically on a software engineer's ikigai

Career Track for Software Engineers


The Technology

Code Reviews

Coding Practices


Version Control


  • OpenTelemetry - the main website of a widely used observability framework and toolkit that helps you collect and manage telemetry data like metrics, logs and traces and can be integrated in many widely used tools like Elastic
  • Observability: Building Organizational Understanding - presentation about observability from the Dash conference that focuses on how to start with observability as well as what culture to establish so that it supports continuous learning in this field
  • o11y.wiki - nice glossary of all terms related to observability - may be interesting to walk through
  • Charity.wtf - founder of honeycomb.io and a well-known persona in the observability space has her own blog where one can find some interesting thoughts on observability - I suggest you use this resource after you gain some essentials as otherwise it is too in-depth thus an alternative might be the below
  • The Evolution of Observability Engineering - a walk through of observability conceptual essentials from the authors of the book Observability Engineering


  • Awesome Engineering Manager Custom GPT - A custom ChatGPT deployed on ChatGPT Marketplace that provides technical and managerial guidance with a focus on professional development. It is fully familiar with this repository and its contents as well as with all the recommended books

The Product


Prioritization & Roadmapping

Objective Key Results (OKRs)

  • How to Make Your Teams Beat OKRs - Amazing guide on how to get the most out of OKRs from Marian Kamenistak, an engineering leadership coach
  • OKRs are hard - Camille Fournier, author of The Manager's Path, dives deep into why OKRs are sometimes very hard for teams to work with and what are the shortcomings of the OKR system

The Process

Engineering Productivity

Engineering Culture

Agile Methodologies

  • Development that pays (Youtube) - A funky youtube account talking about common challenges with agile in a relaxed yet interesting way
  • Dual-Track Agile - A super-short summary of what is dual track agile and what it is used for
  • Lessons Learned in Dual Track Agile - My own article about what lessons did we learn from implementing the dual track agile system in our team and what we plan to do next based on these learnings

Personal Development


Recommended Books

Engineering Leadership Communities


License: MIT

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