
Few problems clarifications

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/count-paths --> say the answer is guaranteed to fit into an int (could easily overflow e.g. for n=m=100)

"Stock Market Oracle" --> could add one or two examples; should say that you can only buy one unit of the stock

"Bit Conversion" --> say it is assumed a,b are >0

"BST Validation" --> it is not clear at all if for "null" input the answer should be "true" or "false" (answer is "true"; but I'd argue "null" input is not a tree at all, hence is not binary tree in particular)

"Palindrome Permutations" --> please do specify if empty string is considered a palindrome or not; this is not obvious at all; (lost few tries on this one; now ACC)

"Subset Summation" --> usually for such problems we would have (a) the max count of elems in int[] numbers, whether they are necessarily positive, and the max value of target; else you write algo's blindly (some algos are valid, (and ACC here), even though they might cause ether overflows or memory-limit-exceeded errors in generic case)

            "whether an equation has a balanced number of left and right parentheses and brackets (including (,),[,],{,}) "

to plz napisz co to jest "equation", albo usuń testy zawierające inne znaki niż "(){}[]"...

90min mi na to poszło;

Propozycja: "to check whether a string containing various symbols has a balanced number of left and right brackets (of the types '(',')','[',']','{','}')"
niby podobnie, ale przynajmniej nie sugeruje, że to są wyłączne znaki w stringu.