Map overlaps other module
Closed this issue · 7 comments
Raspbery Pi OS
Node.js Version
MagicMirror Version
Module Version
On the top_right I have two default "weather" modules underneath each other, below that I have WWW-DWD-WarnWeather, below that I have MMM-RAIN-MAP and below that the default calendar module.
The MMM-RAIN-MAP gets in between the calendar modules title and the calendar events instead of staying in between the WWW-DWD-WarnWeather and the default calendar module.
Expected behavior
The MMM-RAIN-MAP module should be above the title of the default calendar module and not between the default calendar modules title and the calendar events.
Current behavior
The MMM-RAIN-MAP gets in between the calendar modules title and the calendar events instead of staying in between the WWW-DWD-WarnWeather and the default calendar module.
Possible solution
Probably a div container issue?!
Steps to reproduce
- Start MM
- Wait for probably 10 minutes
- Issue shows up
No errors in the log
module: "MMM-DWD-WarnWeather",
position: "top_right",
header: "Wetterwarnungen",
config: {
region: "ORT",
changeColor: true,
minutes: false,
displayRegionName: false,
displayInnerHeader: false,
interval: 10 * 60 * 1000, // every 10 minutes
loadingText: "Warnungen werden geladen...",
noWarningText: "Keine Warnungen",
severityThreshold: 1,
hideNoWarning: true,
module: "MMM-RAIN-MAP",
position: "top_right",
config: {
animationSpeedMs: 400,
colorScheme: 4,
colorizeTime: false,
defaultZoomLevel: 11,
displayTime: true,
displayTimeline: true,
displayClockSymbol: false,
displayOnlyOnRain: false,
extraDelayLastFrameMs: 300,
extraDelayCurrentFrameMs: 3000,
markers: [
{ lat: XX.XXX, lng: X.XXX, color: "red" },
mapPositions: [
{ lat: XX.XXX, lng: X.XXX, zoom: 11, loops: 1 },
mapUrl: "https://cartodb-basemaps-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
// mapUrl: "https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
mapHeight: "315px", // must be a pixel value (no percent)
mapWidth: "315px", // must be a pixel value (no percent)
maxHistoryFrames: 2,
maxForecastFrames: -1,
substitudeModules: [],
updateIntervalInSeconds: 300,
module: "calendar",
header: "Pärchenkalender",
position: "top_right",
config: {
displaySymbol: true,
showLocation: false,
wrapEvents: true,
maxTitleLines: 2,
selfSignedCert: true,
displayRepeatingCountTitle: true,
showEnd: false,
getRelative: 24,
nextDaysRelative: true,
timeFormat: "absolute",
dateFormat: "DD.MM.YYYY",
maxTitleLength: 20,
fetchInterval: 600000,
calendars: [
/* {
symbol: "calendar-alt",
url: "URL",
symbol: "calendar-alt",
url: "URL",
symbol: "flag-checkered",
url: "",
url: "",
symbol: "futbol",
url: "",
symbol: "futbol",
url: "",
symbol: "futbol",
url: "",
Additional info
I can not reproduce that.
Do you have custom css? Probably another module causes this problem by some kind of bad css.
Please turn off your other modules one-by-one, to find the root cause
I have a custom css, here is the code:
font-family: SFPro;
float: right;
text-align: right;
opacity: 0.7;
.calendar {
font-family: SFPro;
max-width: 475px;
.calendar .normal {
text-align: left;
.MMM-DWD-WarnWeather {
font-family: SFPro;
.MMM-DWD-WarnWeather .warning {
float: right;
.MMM-DWD-WarnWeather .status {
text-align: right;
schonmal versucht die floats raus zu nehmen? ;-)
@jalibu: floats habe ich nicht versucht, werde ich noch weiter testen.
Frage mich inwiefern floats einen Overlay verursachen.
Allerdings war in der custom.css zwei Mal ein .MMM-RAIN-MAP enthalten:
font-family: SFPro;
float: right;
text-align: right;
opacity: 0.7;
Ich habe es zu einem .MMM-RAIN-MAP zusammengefügt, seitdem trat es nicht mehr auf.
Ich würde noch etwas testen, habe aktuell etwas Probleme mit meinem MM Server.
Floats sind grundsätzlich immer böse und hinterhältig. Sie können hier ein scheinbares Overlay erzeugen, indem sie ein kleines Wrapper Element in eine kleine Lücke zwischen anderen Modulen fließen lassen, in dem sich die Leaflet Map befindet, die wiederum mit absolute positions arbeitet (nur eine Vermutung).
Kurzum: Ursache war custom.css und kein Rain-Map Problem.