zoomOutEach / zoomOutLevel

PC24PC24 opened this issue · 1 comments

zoomOutEach / zoomOutLevel do not work. what do I wrong?

    module: "MMM-RAIN-MAP",
    position: "top_left",
    config: {
            animationSpeed: 600,
            displayClockSymbol: true,
            displayTime: true,
            extraDelayLastFrame: 2000,
            height: "340px",
            lat: 47.382,
            lng: 8.165,
            map: "OSM",
            osmMapUrl: "http://tile.memomaps.de/tilegen/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
    //      osmMapUrl: "https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
            mapTypeId: "terrain",
            markers: [
            { lat: 47.382622, lng: 8.165470, color: "red" }
            onlyOnRain: false,
            opacity: 0.65,
            timeFormat: 24,
            updateIntervalInSeconds: 300,
            width: "620px",
            zoom: 7.85,
            zoomOutEach: "3",
            zoomOutLevel: "2",


Remove the quotes from the values, that they are treated as numbers, not as strings.