
Legit glow

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When legit glow is enabled, all it does is just turn the color of the glow from whatever it was to white, basically. What would be cool is if the legit glow feature would actually disable the glow for ennemies that are behind walls so we can play legit more easily

Im considering either adding a color and alpha setting to the settings file or just removing glow behind walls. Both resolve your suggestion.

Second option seems nice :D But it would disable the wallhack and some people may like to have it as an option too. As you wish dood

Unfortunately, with the tools available externally, it's hard to create a legit glow cheat like this. This is because we don't have a proper visibility check externally. I tried something with the spotted mask. It doesn't work so well, but I'll push it up so you can try it.

Commit: f39126d