
Progress bar broken when colorout loaded

LiNk-NY opened this issue ยท 6 comments

Hi Jakson, @jalvesaq

Thanks for making this package. It makes output fun to read ๐Ÿ˜€

My issue is that when reading in a large file, the progress bar continually includes line
breaks rather than staying in place.

It starts looking like this:

|=======                                                                                                                    |   |=======                                                                                                                   |  5|========                                                                                                                  |  5%    |========                                                                                                                  |  5%    1|========

Rather than:

 |===================| 100% 15 MB

I'm referring to functionality found in readr, such as read_tsv but this works fine when
colorout is not loaded.

For example data files, please see here: http://www.cbioportal.org/data_sets.jsp


I installed readr and could not replicate the issue with read_csv2 and a 682MB csv file. The progress bar has the same behavior with and without colorout.

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I am using Rstudio.

Edit: If I do unloadNamespace("colorout"), the progress bars work as intended.
So the issue is an interaction between the colorout and Rstudio.

Now I can replicate the issue, but since it works well in different terminal emulators on Linux (xterm, gnome-terminal, Neovim's built-in terminal inside Tmux running in gnome-terminal) I think you should report the issue to RStudio.

Thanks for looking into it! I'll close the issue.
Best regards,

Does this issue have been solved with Rstudio ? I have the same issue, and sometimes miss printing in Rstudio (like something print inside the table I print in console)

@gowachin, I think that nobody has ever reported the issue to RStudio team. So, the it may never get solved.