
FTR I'm planning on using Trollius to support Python 2 in ZEO (part of the ZODB project)

jimfulton opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm using a very small part of the asyncio/trollius APIs. Just socket connections and I/O, via callbacks. No coroutines/generators.

Hoping that this will get us to 2020. :)

Feel free to close this when you've seen it. It's really just FTR.

Woo hoo, all ZEO tests pass with Trollius and Python 2.7.

Lack of Trollius wheels (or eggs) on PyPI is making life harder for ZEO users on Windows. 😢

Continued on zopefoundation/ZEO#146: looks like the Zope community inherited the maintenance of Trollius from vstinner.