
Suggestions for additional Matroska MKV tags

livinggreener opened this issue · 2 comments

It would be nice if AutoTag could use more of the info available in TMDb for tagging:
(1)Number of episodes in a season: placed in tag with TargetTypeValue of 60 as nested simple tag with name TOTAL_PARTS and string equal to the number of episodes.
(2) TMDB tv show identifier: placed in tag with TargetTypeValue 70 as nested simple tag with name TMDB and string equal to the series identifier "tv/___"
(3)All placed in tag with TargetTypeValue 50 and TargetType EPISODE, as nested simple tags of names: TITLE (of the episode), DIRECTOR, WRITTEN_BY, ACTOR, CHARACTER (as a nested-tag of ACTOR), DATE_RELEASED, DESCRIPTION or SUMMARY, GENRE, all with their respective strings etc...

Some of these require additional requests to be made, so as to not affect the speed of tagging these additional tags will be enabled using a new option, --extended-tagging.

Just a few notes regarding 3:

  • TITLE - should already be added.
  • WRITTEN_BY - doesn't appear to be supported by taglib-sharp
  • DATE_RELEASED - not supported by taglib-sharp, closest is DATE_RECORDED
  • DESCRIPTION/SUMMARY - this was previously added to COMMENT since this is more commonly shown, it will now be added to both SUMMARY and COMMENT (DESCRIPTION is not supported by taglib-sharp)

If the added tags don't conform to the specification, that's something to bring up with the maintainers of taglib-sharp, I don't particularly want to write my own tagging library.

Some of these require additional requests to be made, so as to not affect the speed of tagging these additional tags will be enabled using a new option, --extended-tagging.

Sounds good.

  • TITLE - should already be added.

It is indeed. I noticed it after the fact. For some reason though taglib-sharp is neglecting to give its respective tag Targets. Targets should be TargetTypeValue with string 50 and TargetType with string EPISODE. However, Targets is blank.

  • DESCRIPTION/SUMMARY - this was previously added to COMMENT since this is more commonly shown, it will now be added to both SUMMARY and COMMENT (DESCRIPTION is not supported by taglib-sharp)

Sounds good

I don't particularly want to write my own tagging library.

I don't blame you.