
Proposed Library Structure

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Directories under src

  • <root> has the loader stuff, code that makes the library, type defs
  • map has the map stuff
  • layer has the layer stuff
  • util ? (not sold on the name) contains stuff like symbology, query, etc.

Module Interface

  • .map or .maps provides functions to make maps. E.g.
    • gapi.maps.createMap(configObj, divId): Map
    • gapi.maps.createOverviewMap(mainMap, divId): Map (design up in the air, see #5 )
    • gapi.maps.create3DMap(configObj, divId): Map3D (next level enhancement)
    • thoughts on plural or singular for module name?
  • .layer or .layers provides functions to make layers. E.g.
    • gapi.layers.createFeatureLayer(configObj): FeatureRecord (or whatever Records get renamed to)
    • maybe have it config driven? i.e. one function, derives layer type from config. might make typescript less great
  • open to how the util-ish things are structured
    • current way would be gapi.query.myFunc(), gapi.symbology.otherFunc()
    • grouping might be more consistent, but means more typing. e.g. gapi.util.query.myFunc()
  • a dev module for hackery? e.g. gapi.dev.esriLoadApi() to do plugin sorcery

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