
i18n.locales returns EN and ES but I only have EN ?

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Hi guys, weird issue I'm getting. i18n.locales is returning [en, es] even though I only have locales/en/translations in my app. Doing a search for /es/ in my root project folder I found the following in the /dist/assets/my-app.js folder:

define("my-app/locales/es/translations", ["exports"], function (exports) {
  exports["default"] = {
    "Lisa": "Luisa",
    "Bob": "Roberto",
    "John": "Juan"

I have cleared the dist folder and rebuilt the app but ES translation keeps poping up.

I have done a search in the whole project folder for Luisa and Roberto and even es but the only results are the ones from the compiled app js file.
I thought this "dummy" data was being injected from the addon itself but search results retrieve nothing else. I'm puzzled... Any ideas ?

Debuggin getLocales() got me to this:

requirejs.entries["my-app/locales/en/translations"] returns:

_foundDeps: true,
finalized: true,
module: {exports: {default: [contents of en/translations] } },
id: 620...

requirejs.entries["my-app/locales/es/translations"] returns:

_foundDeps: false,
finalized: false,,
module: {exports: {} },
id: 621..

Where is this coming from? :|

Found the culprit: Ember-multiselect-checkboxes