
It doesn't work

pomponchik opened this issue · 1 comments

I wrote this test (only this in a whole file test_conftest.py):

def test_some_text():
    some = 'some'
    text = 'text'

    some_text = f'{some}_{text}'

    assert some_text == 'some_text'

And i had this:

./tests/test_conftest.py:1:1: AAA01 no Act block found in test

Flake8's version signature:

5.0.4 (flake8-aaa: 0.12.2, flake8-bugbear: 22.10.27, flake8-builtins: 2.0.1, flake8-cognitive-complexity: 0.1.0,
flake8-comprehensions: 3.10.1, flake8-docstrings: 1.6.0, flake8-eradicate: 1.4.0, flake8-expression-complexity: 0.0.1,
flake8-functions: 0.0.7, flake8-import-order: 0.18.1, flake8-pep3101: 2.0.0, flake8-print: 5.0.0, flake8-pytest-style:
1.6.0, flake8-quotes: 3.3.1, mccabe: 0.7.0, pep8-naming: 0.13.2, pycodestyle: 2.9.1, pyflakes: 2.5.0) CPython 3.10.7 on
  • Python version (output of python --version): Python 3.10.7
  • Platform: Mac OSX

Thanks for trying out Flake8-AAA.

You're receiving error AAA01 successfully - which is great news.

The reason you're getting this error is that Flake8-AAA doesn't know where your Act block is.


Problematic code

def test_some_text():
    some = 'some'
    text = 'text'

    some_text = f'{some}_{some}'

    assert some_text == 'some_text'

Correct code 1

One option is to use result =.

def test_some_text():
    some = 'some'
    text = 'text'

    result = f'{some}_{some}'

    assert result == 'some_text'

Correct code 2

A second option is to mark your Act block with the # act hint.

def test_some_text():
    some = 'some'
    text = 'text'

    some_text = f'{some}_{some}'  # act

    assert some_text == 'some_text'

Further info

I'll close this issue now.