
The build does not work

Huluvu424242 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello at my ubuntu the build of your docker image does not work. Could you help me?
Here is the console input/output:

$ docker build -t="jamesdbloom/docker-java8-maven" github.com/jamesdbloom/docker_java8_maven
Sending build context to Docker daemon 82.94 kB
Step 0 : FROM dockerfile/java:oracle-java8
Pulling repository docker.io/dockerfile/java
Error: image dockerfile/java:oracle-java8 not found

$ docker pull dockerfile/java
Using default tag: latest
Pulling repository docker.io/dockerfile/java
Error: image dockerfile/java:latest not found

I think it is a general problem to find the from image. Where is the image hosted? Maybe the github url must be another format like http://... ?

When I run the build I get the following output:

Sending build context to Docker daemon  2.56 kB
Sending build context to Docker daemon 
Step 0 : FROM dockerfile/java:oracle-java8
 ---> b5ed8a494965
Step 1 : MAINTAINER James Bloom "jamesdbloom@gmail.com"
 ---> Using cache
 ---> fd5541496f29
Step 2 : RUN export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive &&   sed -i 's/# \(.*multiverse$\)/\1/g' /etc/apt/sources.list &&   apt-get update &&   apt-get -y upgrade &&   apt-get install -y vim wget curl git maven
 ---> Using cache
 ---> adc66ec70833
Step 3 : VOLUME /volume/git
 ---> Running in d1aedf102c84
 ---> aac5bba450dd
Removing intermediate container d1aedf102c84
Step 4 : RUN mkdir -p /local/git
 ---> Running in 1990a80f4951
 ---> 950658cfe265
Removing intermediate container 1990a80f4951
Step 5 : WORKDIR /local/git
 ---> Running in b8bef02acbbe
 ---> bdd329bc6623
Removing intermediate container b8bef02acbbe
Step 6 : CMD /bin/bash
 ---> Running in 18ea3d5fdef0
 ---> 73664d14ed11
Removing intermediate container 18ea3d5fdef0
Successfully built 73664d14ed11

Can you try it again perhaps the docker host couldn't download the base image temporarily. Are you still having the same problem?

I have tried again and it does not work. But i am a novice to docker and maybe there are steps todo wich not describe in your readme. There are additionally steps? I have installed docker. I have checked out your project. Please look here:

huluvu424242@huluvu424242-Lenovo-G505s:~/git$ git clone https://github.com/jamesdbloom/docker_java8_maven.git
Nach »docker_java8_maven« wird geklont
remote: Counting objects: 23, done.
remote: Total 23 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 23
Unpacking objects: 100% (23/23), done.
Verbundenheit wird überprüft … Fertig.
huluvu424242@huluvu424242-Lenovo-G505s:~/git$ docker build -t="jamesdbloom/docker-java8-maven" docker_java8_maven
Sending build context to Docker daemon 82.94 kB
Step 0 : FROM dockerfile/java:oracle-java8
Pulling repository docker.io/dockerfile/java
Error: image dockerfile/java:oracle-java8 not found
huluvu424242@huluvu424242-Lenovo-G505s:~/git$ docker build -t="jamesdbloom/docker-java8-maven" docker_java8_maven/
Sending build context to Docker daemon 82.94 kB
Step 0 : FROM dockerfile/java:oracle-java8
Pulling repository docker.io/dockerfile/java
Error: image dockerfile/java:oracle-java8 not found
huluvu424242@huluvu424242-Lenovo-G505s:~/git$ ls docker_java8_maven/
Dockerfile  .git/       README.md   
huluvu424242@huluvu424242-Lenovo-G505s:~/git$ ls docker_java8_maven/

Please remove your image or container b5ed8a494965 and try again - maybe the image was cached.

You are absolutely correct. I had an old image for Oracle Java 8 cached. It no longer exists as Docker official only support OpenJDK 8. I have updated the Dockerful which should fix you issue.
