
multiple 'src'

Closed this issue · 12 comments


I can't seem to use :

        files: [
             src: [ 
             dest: 'foo/nw/'
             expand: true,
             cwd: 'src/',
             src: '**',
             dest: 'foo/src/'

Output is :

Running "debian_package:files" (debian_package) task
Verifying property debian_package.files exists in config...OK
Warning: Object #<Object> has no method 'indexOf' Use --force to continue.

I've tested you configuration but I can't yet see a problem. Can you tell me which version are you using? Also can you also please add the output you get when you run grunt with --verbose.

The output in OP is with --verbose. It seems to have trouble understanding 2 brackets separated with a comma. You are able to use them ?

I'm on 0.1.7 installed through "npm install" as a dependencie in my main folder.

I was able to build a deb if I use only 1 par of brackets, not two. But I'd like to install my program in /opt and a desktop file in /usr/share/applications

I could work things out if I could get access to a postinstall script, I think.

Let me take a look at this issue in more detail, I did copy the syntax you used and it seemed to work but the first src didn't actually match local files as I used your exact syntax build/cache/linux64/0.9.2/.... I'll try again with something more realistic later today...

In general I believe postinstall scripts are considered bast practice for things like that. This is because when you query the package for example using

dpkg -c prefix-package_name-postfix-2.0.0-1.deb


dpkg -L prefix-package_name-postfix

you don't see the extra file install during the postinstall script.

If required I can also add support for scripts such as postinstall.

A more accurate representation of what I want to do :

debian_package: {
    options: {
    maintainer: {
        name: "App Team",
        email: "mail@mail.com"
    name: "app-name", //dpkg doesn't accept uppercase, space or underscore
    long_description: "BLABLABLABLABLABLA.",
            src: [
            dest: '/opt/app-name/'
            src: 'dist/app-name.desktop', 
            dest: '/usr/share/app-name.desktop'

Which version are you running as I can't see to reproduce the error you are having, can you double check you are running 0.1.8 ?

I was on 1.7 but I switched to my own bash script now^^

I don't quite understand why you are having an issue because I specifically have tests that cover the following two scenarios:

files: [
        src: 'tasks/debian_package.js',
        dest: '/var/www/tasks/debian_package.js'


files: [
        expand: true,
        cwd: 'tasks',
        src: [
        dest: '/var/www/tasks'
        src: [
        dest: '/var/www/'

Which covers all the examples you specified?

I guess you noticed in the last example you provided the [ and ] where missing from the files: section?

I'm going to close the issue as there as there are tests that cover these scenarios and I can't reproduce this, please let me know if you still have problems and I can re-open the issue.

okay that was simply that. Thanks, idk how I did not saw that... Stupid me x)

I know this issue is closed, but thought I'd provide some more info that may be helpful for anyone running into this. I think the problem OP was having was that they needed an extra level in the hierarchy, this should do the trick:

debian_package: {                                                               
    dist: {                                                                  
        options: {                                                              
        maintainer: {                                                           
            name: "App Team",                                                   
            email: "mail@mail.com"                                              
        name: "app-name", //dpkg doesn't accept uppercase, space or underscore  
        long_description: "BLABLABLABLABLABLA.",                                
        files: [                                                                
                src: [                                                          
                dest: '/opt/app-name/'                                          
                src: 'dist/app-name.desktop',                                   
                dest: '/usr/share/app-name.desktop'                             

grunt debian_package:dist would then run the task. (alexluke/grunt-haml-php#5 had similar problem)