
/control install files?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I found your grunt plugin and think it's quite nice, but there is one thing which prevents me from using it...

Is there a possibility to include own postinst, preinst,... scripts in a grunt-built Debian package?

I want to reconfigure the target system, on which the .deb package is installed and so I am highly dependent on those install scripts.

I checked your source and didn't find a hint of copying these extra files to */control/...
Is there an easy way to add this feature?

I may contribute some source if you could hint me to the right parts in the code

I just realized that shokre made a fork with some 'scripts' branch, where he added a postinst and prerm option... still.. I think this would be a cool feature for the original repo and would make a lot of sense for other users!


Yes good point I'll take a look at that a combine that feature into the main version

Very nice! I will try to contribute some tests as soon as I have time to test this plugin

great and when I get a chance probably on the weekend I'll do some more extensive manual testing