- 3
new feature extraction model
#417 opened by zhangguy - 0
Visualization of Label mask in slideflow-studio
#418 opened by lafith - 2
switching slide backend in python
#416 opened by zhangguy - 1
Extracting tiles from specific WSI locations
#415 opened by pacocp - 3
[BUG] Resnet50 model load error when used as a feature extractor in Slideflow3.0.0
#412 opened by ShihuiZhu - 1
SlideFlow Studio crushes when clicking on 'Slides' button in the Project section
#413 opened by frasca17 - 4
slideflow 3.0 gives error when loading project
#411 opened by Meijian - 1
[BUG] ValueError: DataLoader does not contain any batches when using attention/transmil MIL method
#358 opened by NaokiThread - 6
- 5
- 3
linear prediction
#388 opened by mnezaf - 2
- 5
- 1
unable to install slideflow 2.3.2
#403 opened by Meijian - 2
[BUG] Dictionary attribute error when using the new `` function
#348 opened by sz3029 - 4
Latest foundation models?
#392 opened by Meijian - 4
[BUG] Heatmap generation error
#360 opened by jziggles - 4
Cannot use predict slide for MIL model
#365 opened by jziggles - 8
- 2
MIL with Stain Augmentation
#364 opened by sanosano - 1
[BUG] Package Conflicts with Pyomo/Bonmin in with environments created with environment.yml
#382 opened by emmachancellor - 2
How do I run Slideflow studio from the docker container
#352 opened by Phues - 2
- 2
Project doesn't see slides. Help needed.
#363 opened by LeventAksakal - 1
[QUESTION] Is Ninja required to run this?
#384 opened by lcniel - 1
[QUESTION] Is the Pandas < 2 restriction necessary?
#385 opened by lcniel - 2
- 1
- 1
Loading pre-extracted feature bags for slide prediction using MIL model in slideflow studio
#349 opened by sz3029 - 1
- 1
[BUG] Following slideflow documentation for running the containers leads to error.
#387 opened by Nicolai-98 - 2
[BUG] cannot download preconfigured dataset
#370 opened by WNZhao1988 - 1
Unable to use sf.DatasetFeatures with zip files
#380 opened by maxxfarma - 2
Is slideflow studio supported on Windows?
#361 opened by LeventAksakal - 1
[BUG] Project-wise cell segmentation does not run
#356 opened by Sbrussee - 4
Multiple GPU Acceleration
#354 opened by NaokiThread - 6
- 2
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- 0
- 1
- 4
[HistoSSL/heatmaps] MIL model attention heatmaps display bright lines when use histoSSL as the feature extractor
#336 opened by sz3029 - 4
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- 4
[help wanted] Unable to load dataset in a new project
#324 opened by sz3029 - 1
- 2
[BUG] Unable to tile WSIs
#318 opened by ajr82 - 3