
changing the scale in firefox

nepster-web opened this issue · 8 comments

It happens in firefox when changing the scale:
2015-05-03 03 30 54

FireFox - last version
OS - debian and windows 8

Yeah looks like Firefox breaks when the page is zoomed.

I have this too and have no idea how to mitigate it: it happens when zooming out a lot, and if the page is reloaded then zoomed in again it stays there/ is very messy. I find it somewhat amusing that even sites like Twitch have this problem (they use a nanoscroller on stream/sidebars/chat)! Would be nice to get a fix, although it's probably on mozilla's side of things. I've tried my share of things but nothing works.


Basically this bug is happening on every browser, wehre the scrollbar size (scrollbar width on vertical and scrollbar height on horizontal scrollbars) doesn't change on zooming.
This is the case on every browser except Internet Explorer.

The reason why this bug isn't happening in Chrome (and other webkit browsers) is, because of the possibility of scrollbar styling. With scrollbar styling youre able to hide the scrollbar completely without disable its functionality. If the native scrollbar is completely hidden, this bug can't happen because the scrollbar wont show up obviously.

Now, how can be this issue be fixed? First I need to explain the functionality how this plugin works (well I think it works like this at least). If you initialize the plugin, it measures the scrollbar size. After this initial measurement the plugin will never measure the scrollbar size again. Now if you zoom, everything gets bigger (lets say you zoom from 100% to 200%), but the native scrollbar doesn't. If the native scrollbar size was 17px on 100% zoom, the measured 17px will be 34px on 200% zoom. But as I said, the scrollbar doesnt change its true size, so the 17px will be always 17px. So the plugin would need to measure the native scrollbar size on each zoom to fix this bug.

Since this plugin wasn't maintained for a very long time and this bug definitely wont be fixed in a short amount of time, I want to show you a alternative. I've written my own scrollbar plugin which fixes this and many other bugs from this other scrollbar plugins: https://github.com/KingSora/OverlayScrollbars

@KingSora thanks for the explanation, that's very cool.

I know that the problem is that this project is not being maintained, so I'd be happy to accept a PR that adds a mention to README of your library.

@kristerkari it would be a honor for me, feel free to do it!

alright, I'll do that 👍

@kristerkari nice - thank you!