
Missing files when installing as gem

shadyueh opened this issue · 2 comments

I followed the instructions to install as gem. It was ok.
Then when I run jekyll serve to test it I get:

  Liquid Exception: Could not locate the included file 'portfolio_.html' in any of ["/home/blue/Downloads/mysite/_includes", "/home/blue/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0/gems/jekyll-material-theme-0.3.0/_includes"]. Ensure it exists in one of those directories and, if it is a symlink, does not point outside your site source. in /_layouts/home.html
jekyll 3.6.2 | Error:  Could not locate the included file 'portfolio_.html' in any of ["/home/blue/Downloads/mysite/_includes", "/home/blue/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0/gems/jekyll-material-theme-0.3.0/_includes"]. Ensure it exists in one of those directories and, if it is a symlink, does not point outside your site source.

Should I create the missing files? It seems the gem doesn't installs some necessary files that exists in repo.

Ok. Sorry for bother you. I researched in the jekyll site, created a new clean project and tried to figure out what I was missing. Then I noticed some configs are mandatory, like the portfolio type. Besides as the image folder isn't copied, the theme looks broken, but in truth we need create our own images folder and adjust the links. Thanks for share. It is a great theme.

Apologies in the delay getting back to you @shadyueh. As you pointed out, the config file requires you to state whether you want the card or carousel portfolio view. I should have made this clearer in the README, thank you for bringing this to my attention, I'll update this now. Any questions, or if you need any help, just ask!