
Pre-build f90wrap wheels for windows

Borrdom opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, James. Thank you so much for this great package. I successfully wrapped a big fortran project with minimal changes to the actual code.
The wrapper works perfectly and now I want to use it on a different user's machine. When using f2py only, I just provide a pre-build wheel with the binaries ( *.so or *.pyd files) suitable for the user's python version and architecture. This way, the user does not need to install a fortran compiler. However, when using f90wrap, the user needs to install f90wrap which requires a fortran compiler. Of course, this is necessary because f90wrap.runtime.py relies on the arraydata.f and sizeof_fortran_t.f fortran files.
In a sloppy approach i just copied my own PYHONHOME\Lib\site-packages\f90wrap folder into the same folder on the user's machine where the wrapped MODULE.py and _MODULE.pyd files reside and it just worked.
Are there plans to provide pre-build versions of f90wrap. Similar to those source and binary wheels that scipy provides?

Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad f90wrap has been useful for you.

Binary wheels have been available for Linux and macOS for the last few release of f90wrap (since 0.2.5). Does this meet your use case?

If you need wheels for a different architecture (e.g. Windows) then please let me know; PRs to add support for new architectures to the cibuildwheel configuration would be particularly welcome.

Thanks for the fast response. Ahh I see. I'm running windows (64 bit with py 3.9) which explains why i didn't get a binary wheel via pip. Sure, i think binary wheels for windows would be helpful. I'm currently looking into cibuildwheel for the use in my own project so maybe i can contribute with a PR.
I can rename the issue to highlight that it is only windows specific or close it ?

Please go ahead and rename the issue, good idea.