
errors are being swallowed and converted to error events

jameslnewell opened this issue · 1 comments

making it really hard to debug when devs didn't actually intend to throw an error.

I think its happening in https://github.com/jameslnewell/xhr-mock/blob/master/packages/xhr-mock/src/MockXMLHttpRequest.ts#L523

Note: we probably don't want to log errors when they are intended (and fill up logs/false positives).

it('oops', async () => {

  mock.post('/api/user', () => {
    throw new Error('oops');

  try {
    const user = await createUser({name: 'John'});
  } catch (error) {
    // no idea what the user did wrong in their mock
    expect(error).toMatch('A user named "John" already exists.');
  • mock.error(handler)
  • mock.on('error', handler)
  • mock.use((req, res, err) => console.log(err))
  • mock.setLogMethod(console.log)
  • ...
  • always console log it?