
Add support for viewBox svg field

djsegal opened this issue · 4 comments

That and fill are two of the svg fields that are currently not supported. Is there a reason for this?

@djsegal thanks for opening this issue. I'm not sure exactly what you're asking for… What would you like this gem to do that it doesn't already? (Examples are appreciated)

euxx commented

Hi @jamesmartin, I think @djsegal suggested adding two more options to inline_svg_tag to support svg attributes: fill and viewBox


inline_svg_tag 'example.svg', fill: 'currentColor', view_box: '0 0 100 100'

would be

<svg fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 100 100">

Thanks for clarifying, @euxx. ✨

I'll keep this open to track interest in this feature. For now, it should be possible for people that want this behavior to implement it themselves using a custom transformation.

euxx commented

Yeah, custom transformation should be enough for now.

Thanks for this convenient gem~