
OpenCamera / Pick from libary crash with a resource not found when targeting Android 10.

tallichet opened this issue · 3 comments

Bug Information

Version Number of Plugin: 5.0.1
Device Tested On: OnePlus 7T Pro, Galaxy Tab S6
Simulator Tested On: -
Version of VS: 16.8.2
Version of Xamarin:,
Versions of other things you are using:

Steps to reproduce the Behavior

Create a projet an follow instruction to capture a photo, or pick from library, haveing everything working when compiling with Android 9.0.
Switch to Compile with Android version 10, having this libraries

Expected Behavior

Camera picker / Image library should open

Actual Behavior

Application crash with following error (from VS)

Java.Lang.RuntimeException: 'Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{online.koco.mobileapp/crc64a0e0a82d0db9a07d.IntermediateActivity}: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: File # #0f0 from drawable resource ID #0x7f050030: .xml extension required'

PS: I've got exact same result when calling from Xamarin.Essentials 1.6-pre4

I have no problem targeting Android SDK 10. Tried with pixel 2 Android 9 and Xiaomi mi 9 Android 10.
Did you clean and rebuilt?
Could you provide a repro?

I Migrated to AndroidX and this crash doesn't occur

Please try latest and migrate to androidx