
IOS - video fails to write to file after photo taken

jamesingreersc opened this issue · 1 comments

ONLY Post issues against Latest Beta!!!

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Bug Information

After taking a zoomed in photo the next video will fail to write to disk. No errors returned from take video call.

Version Number of Plugin: 5.0.1
Device Tested On: IPhone XR with software version 14.4
Simulator Tested On:N/A
Version of VS: Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019
Version of Xamarin: (d16-8@4d60f9c)
Versions of other things you are using: Using Xamarin Forms and Essentials

Steps to reproduce the Behavior

  1. Open camera panel with TakePhotoAsync command
  2. Zoom in as far as it will go. I am using an IPhone XR and it uses the pinch zoom.
  3. Take the photo and use it.
  4. Open video panel with TakeVideoAsync
  5. Take a 5 second video.
    At step 5 the video is not on the disk(will fail a File.Exists(filePath) check. If the first time it doesn't fail try a second time. I have never had to go more than twice.

Expected Behavior

Video is created and written to disk

Actual Behavior

File fails get written to disk, subsequently our file upload fails.

Code snippet

    public async Task<string> TakeVideoAsync(StoreVideoOptions options)
        var videoQuality = options.Quality;
        if (options.Quality == VideoQuality.Low)
            options.Quality = VideoQuality.Medium;
            options.Quality = VideoQuality.High;

        var mediaFile = await CrossMedia.Current.TakeVideoAsync(options);
        if(mediaFile == null)
            return string.Empty;
        string sourcePath = mediaFile.Path;
        var outputName = sourcePath.Replace(".mov", ".mp4");
        var nsOutput = NSUrl.FromFilename(outputName);

        AVAssetExportSessionPreset presetQuality;
        switch (videoQuality)
            case VideoQuality.High:
                presetQuality = AVAssetExportSessionPreset.Preset1280x720;
            case VideoQuality.Medium:
                presetQuality = AVAssetExportSessionPreset.Preset960x540;
                presetQuality = AVAssetExportSessionPreset.Preset640x480;
        var exportSession = new AVAssetExportSession(AVAsset.FromUrl(NSUrl.FromFilename(sourcePath)), presetQuality)
            OutputUrl = nsOutput,
            OutputFileType = AVFileType.Mpeg4,
            ShouldOptimizeForNetworkUse = true,
        exportSession = null;
        nsOutput = null;
        if (File.Exists(outputName))

        return outputName;
    public async Task<MediaFile> TakePhotoAsync(StoreCameraMediaOptions options)
        var mediaFile = await CrossMedia.Current.TakePhotoAsync(options);
        return mediaFile;



Here is the test app I created

Was unable to reproduce in latest beta