
MyExpenses Demo using new Azure Mobile Services Online/Offline Sync

Primary LanguageC#

My Expenses

My Expenses Cross Platform Demo from TechEd Europe 2014. This is a new Azure Mobile Serive + SQLite Offline Online sync that was based off the original MyExpenses Application that I built on Channel 9

Videos are available on Channel 9:

Part 1: Cross Platform Mobile Development with Xamarin

Part 2: Using Portable Class Libraries with Xamarin

Expense taking cross platform application for Windows Phone, Android, and iOS built with Xamarin inside of Visual Studio 2013. Expenses are stored locally in a Sqlite-net database. You can add new expenses and edit or delete existing. All business logic is shared in one portable class library.

Written in C# with (Xamarin) Created in Visual Studio 2013

Open Source Project by (@JamesMontemagno)

For Windows Phone you must install SQLite for Windows Phone Extension: http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/cd120b42-30f4-446e-8287-45387a4f40b7

** For Azure Mobile Services Integration please read the setup at the bottom of this page! **

How much code is shared?

I have included an "Analysis Project", which will count the shared lines of code. Up to 80% of code is shared across platforms. All of the Models, Services, View Models, and tons of helper classes are all found in one single PCL library.

What technology is used?

Everything is written in C# with Xamarin with a base PCL library. This project couldn't have been done without the following:


https://components.xamarin.com/view/json.net - I use both the NuGet in the PCL and component for iOS for facade linking. One of the most wonderful Json libraries that I simply love. It is used to deserialize all information coming from the meetup.com APIs.

HTTP Client Libraries

https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Net.Http - Brings HTTP Client functionality to Windows Phone in PCL.

Windows Phone Toolkit

http://phone.codeplex.com/ - Everyone's favorite WP toolkit!


https://components.xamarin.com/view/AndHUD - Brings in a nice spinner for Xamarin.Android


https://components.xamarin.com/view/btprogresshud - Great spinner for iOS


http://docs.xamarin.com/guides/ios/user_interface/monotouch.dialog/ - A wonderful library for Xamarin.iOS to create user interfaces quick with not a lot of code.

Azure Mobile Services Integration

"https://"+"PUT-SITE-HERE" +".azure-mobile.net/",


  • This information can be found on Azure


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