
Package to serve as example for how to implement tldR style documentation

Primary LanguageR


tldrExample exports several simple functions (multiply(), divide(), …) with tldr-style documentation:


Looking at /R/multiply.R, we can see how tldr documentation files are created:

#' Safe multiplication of numeric vectors
#' @param a First element to be multiplied
#' @param b Second element to be multiplied
#' @paramtldr a Multiplier
#' @paramtldr b Multiplicand
#' @return A numeric vector
#' @export
#' @exampletldr Multiply scalars together:
#' \code{multiply(1, 2)}
#' @exampletldr Multiply vectors together:
#' \code{multiply(1:10, rep(2, 10))}
#' @examples
#' multiply(1, 2)
#' multiply(1:10, rep(2, 10))
multiply <- function(a, b) {
  if (!is.numeric(a)) stop("a must be numeric")
  if (!is.numeric(b)) stop("b must be numeric")
  if (length(a) != length(b)) stop("a and b must be vectors of the same length")

  a * b

tldr_roclet() from tldr creates .Rd files based on relevant tags in the Roxygen skeleton (including the new @paramtldr and @exampletldr). These .Rd files are written to the /inst/tldr/ directory. Once the package is installed, tldr:::tldr_help() and tldr:::tldr_package() are able to find the relevant files which are turned into console output by tldr:::Rd2tldr().

This process is inspired by the help() function—for those who are interested, I have a blog post in which I go through how ? and help() work in detail.


tldr and tldrExample are both in very early stages and are not suitable for use as tools by R users and developers. That being said, if you are interested in installing them you can install the development versions from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")